Melissa and I given a wonderful treat over the weekend from our close friends Darren and Carol. Darren and Carol were just married last year and do not yet have kids but are clearly going to be awesome parents because the kids love them. The last time we had them over for dinner Nicolas (yes the 3 yr. old) suggested that they could take all of the kids for a sleepover. Of course we did not have to take that advice but Darren and Carol seemed enthusiastic enough about it.

Well since it was my b-day weekend we decided to take them up on their offer and they kids had a great time. In fact it happened to be a weekend where the parenting duties were ratcheted up a notch b/c Lea lost her first tooth so the tooth fairy had to visit and Nicolas has an ear infection so he needed medicine in the evening and in the morning.
Darren and Carol spare no expense when it comes to the kids and they had all sorts of fun activities planned for the kids including making pizzas and cookies from scratch, watching
movies, playing in their awesome yard (they are renting a house from a couple with small kids).

Needless to say the kids were super excited about going over and so were we! We dropped them off around 4pm and headed out for the evening. Apparently the cookie and pizza making got quite messy and there was a lot of cleanup to do!
We went to a bar and had a nice cocktail in downtown Palo Alto and then went to dinner and a comedy club. It was a great time. The kids were so worn out after all of the activity for the evening that they apparently crashed hard around 9pm which is great.

Big thanks to Darren and Carol for giving our entire family this special treat! Hopefully we can repay the treat for them one of these days (hint hint)
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