Monday, January 28, 2008

Great Physics Games for Kids

A friend at work showed me a couple of really great physics games for kids. They both are a nice combination of fun graphics with details that promote real learning about the physical properties of materials and shapes. They are fun for adults who like games and challenges as well.

The first is called Crayon Physics and involves drawing with a crayon to make a ball move through some obstacles to a star. In this version you can draw any size square or rectangle to accomplish the task. In a new version you can apparently draw more shapes, though I cannot find the download for this yet.

The second is called Armadillo Run and involves building to completing structures to help an armadillo (rolled into a ball) move into a portal which moves him to the next level. There are lots of materials you can use but you are constrained by physics and a budget to pay for the materials. It is also a ton of fun and Julia has caught the bug, working on the levels exhaustively.

Try them out!

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