Our oldest daughter has always loved books. She devours books. She read the last two Harry Potter books at 7 1/2. Not only does she read a lot of books she reads them incredibly fast. So the other day I was wondering just how much of the stories she comprehends as she blasts through them. She is currently very into a series called
The Children of the Red King - Charlie Bone. She just finished one of the books so I thought I would ask her a few questions to test her comprehension level. I didn't have to go very far to see that she was indeed putting it all together.
The conversation went something like this. D= Dad, J=Julia
D - "Did you like your book?"
J - "Yes very much!"
D - "Can you tell me about the book?"
J - "Yes, what do you want to know?"
D - "Tell me what happens to Charlie."
J - "Do you want the short version or the long version?"
D - thinking to myself "ok she can either summarize or give detail, that is good"
D - "How about the short version."
J- "Would you like me to summarize the series up to this point or just start where this book starts?"
D - again to myself "wow, OK so she can go at any level of detail here - the entire series to date or just this book"
D - "Lets just go with this book for now"
J - "Well in this book Charlie is..."
Needless to say she is not only comprehending the books she can summarize or drill to any level of detail. And she can do this across all of the series she has read including
Harry Potter and the
A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket.
Oh to have a young agile mind!!!
As an aside to say that books are always a good gift for Julia is an understatement.