This has been quite the year for Nicolas, he learned to ride his bike, lost his first teeth, started kindergarten and grew to where he has almost caught up to Lea!
He really likes drawing and has created some nice pictures lately as well.
One of the latest big steps Nicolas has taken has been in the area of reading and writing. We had his parent teach conference today and it was really quite exciting to see the progress he has made just since the beginning of the year.
Flashing back to summer Nicolas was continually frustrated because he didn't "get it" when reading. He would look a the words in the books and just make something up.
Well now is a completely different story. He has been reading at school and at home. We've been working through some of the Dick and Jane books originally used by Lea I think. Of course there are plenty of words he doesn't yet know but he gets the word boundaries and tries to sound out the letters of the words as best he can. His teach told us he was right where he should be in class. He is also trying to spell words out. For example he said to me last night: "Daddy, can you rub m-y b-a-c-k?" where he spelled my and back.
It is exciting and sad for us to see him grow up. He continues to grow and thrive and he is such a fun loving little boy that everyone loves to be around him!
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