Saturday, December 12, 2009

Greg Mortenson - Amazing Man!

Last night Melissa, Julia and I were fortunate enough to go see Greg Mortenson speak at Foothill college in Los Altos. If you are not familiar Greg is the climber turned school builder in central Asia. He is the author of two books, "Three Cups of Tea" and "Stones into Schools" the latter being the sequel and recently released.

Greg is a good speaker and has some of the most amazing stories around his work. In short he believes that by building schools and educating girls he can bring about peace in this very tough region which is a hot bed of extremism. He has built more than 128 schools in extremely remote valleys to try and make a difference.

He is very passionate about his cause and it is hard not to get caught up in it. On our way over to the talk Julia (who has read the young readers edition of three cups of tea) said "I hope some of his light rubs of on me." Wow, did I say she was 9 going on 19? Might be that she is 9 going on 39, no wait, I'm still not that deep!

If you haven't had a chance to read his books I highly recommend them. His cause and efforts to help with peace are lauded at the highest levels of the government and the military. In fact his book three cups is required reading by military commanders operating in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Pick up a copy.

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