For those of you who have visited us here in California you know that although there is a bathroom in our guest room there is no shower. This forces guests who want to be clean (and that is most of you I believe) to walk downstairs to the shower on the first floor.
Well I am happy to say that after taking care of item #145295-A from my "honey do" list there is now a shower available on the 3rd floor. In a successful 1 day project I installed a new faucet, shower head and shower curtain in the third floor bathroom. I will admit it is "Euro style" in that because of the slope of the roof in the bathroom it is a bit lower than normal so people my height "6'2" in the morning" as they say will need to bend slightly to wash your head. But still that beats walking all the way down stairs with all of your bathroom stuff.
So, now that we have removed that as a potential objection we expect a flood of guest to come and try out the new facilities!
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