Last Saturday was picture day (i'll post them when I have them) and they also had a fund raiser for the league which was called Jamboree. It was a pretty simple affair with three different activities designed as a competition with the winner getting a gift certificate. The fund raising part came from the fact that there was an "entry fee" of $3 for each kid to participate in the Jamboree. The three activities were running the bases, throwing and hitting a softball. Each girl in the league with the fastest time around the bases, farthest through or longest hit would win a $20 gift card to the local baseball and softball supply store.
Well it turns out our little Lea is pretty speedy because she was the fastest of the 50+ girls in her league!! This is pretty significant because the league is for 7-9 year olds which means Lea (having just turned 8) ran faster than all of the 9 year olds in the league and I know there are some! She used the money to buy herself a new batting helmet with face cage (which are required by the league).
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