Saturday, September 8, 2007

Opening Up the House to Those In Need

Sometimes you just have to have faith. When Melissa called me as I was boarding my flight home from Washington D.C. yesterday (9/7/07) and asked if we could host refugees from Myanmar (formally Burma) I have to admit I was at first somewhat stunned but then decided to listen to and trust the universe and agreed. They would be coming that day and in fact would arrive before I even got home.

So we now have 2 women and a baby staying with us. They are Karen which is an ethnic group in Myanmar and have been living in a refugee camp in Thailand for years to avoid persecution by the government. Apparently one of their villages had been burned as well as many other atrocities over the years. There is some additional background information here.

One of the women is named Esther, one is Paw Paw and the baby is Tuesday (apparently it is customary to name a baby after the day on which it was born). Esther speaks a bit of broken English and Paw Paw speaks no English.

So today is really the first full day and everything is going really well. This kids have adjusted extremely well and even play with the baby who is 8 months old.

I'll certainly keep everyone up to date on the status. They are only supposed to stay with us for a week.

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