Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Days like waves on the ocean

Every one's daily life ebbs and flows somewhat like the waves on the ocean. Sometimes there are flat days and sometimes there are wavy days with lots of peaks and troughs. Every now and again on the ocean two wave peaks come together to form a particularly high and powerful wave and the same kind of thing happens in peoples lives.

Today(Wednesdays in general) are a double peak day for us for the rest of the year. On Wednesdays the kids have school (of course) followed by swimming lessons in the afternoon, followed by LOGOS which is a kids fellowship program run through our church. This means the day starts around 6:30 am and does not stop until 7:30 pm. A double or even triple peak day!!!

Today is the first peak day this year.

I am a benefactor of this day because I can get a little extra work in, take time out for some exercise or get some much needed things done around the house. I am guessing that I will try to get a little extra done around the house b/c I am sure Melissa will be completely spent by the end of the day.

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