Friday, February 29, 2008

What a difference a play makes

From time to time our kids like to get together and put on a play for us. To date these have been relateively simple single act affairs although they have used costumes and some props.

Well Julia was in the Christmas play at our church last year and there was a high level of production in the play, lots of staging and it seems she really took it to heart and it made a huge difference!

Last night the kids again staged a play but they stepped it up a level all around. Firstly Julia took charge as the "director" of the show and not in a bossy way but rather in a very inclusive way. She gave Lea the lead role in the play as an "ugly" facelist which who wanted to be pretty. Julia herself played a fairy who had partial powers needed to help the witch. Nicolas played a lion who had the rest of the powers needed. It was a cute little play which had 3 acts. I had to turn the lights out in between the acts so that they could properly set the stage and get in place. Julia was whispering directions from behind the couch helping Nicolas and Lea remember what to do. In the end the "ugly" witch was able to become good looking.

The crowd (me and Melissa) when crazy with a standing ovation for the cast. Julia had even organized 2 curtain calls.

What a difference a play makes!

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