Monday, March 31, 2008

My Dog Policy

I love dogs, I used to own two dogs, both of which were rescue dogs. That said, I don't think the time is quite right for a dog. Now, in our house, I am severely in the minority with that position. Basically everyone else wants a dog, attributes human emotions and personality traits to dogs and gets very attached to dogs in general.

So my policy has been to actively encourage dog sitting at the house. There are a few dog owner friends who travel enough that we generally have a dog over once every couple of months. This seems to hold the waters back somewhat (though I do feel like the boy with my finger in the dike) on us getting a dog. It also re-affirms my belief that we are not ready since I am generally the one to walk the dogs (the kids will go when prompted) and feed the dogs. In fact we had one this past weekend. A BIG mutt named Fargo. Fargo weighs something like 120lbs but looks bigger. That is because he has a full blown long winter coat of fur which makes him seem truly enormous. He is one of those dogs that give you pause when you see coming the other way, particularly when he is being walked by a child that he would surely drag if he really wanted to go somewhere. Turns out Fargo is a gentle giant, 7 years old and very mellow. He is a really great dog.

So for now that is my policy, dog sit when ever possible and stall on owning one ourselves.

p.s. (and I know that in her heart of hearts Melissa knows we are not ready, but that does not stop her from REALLY wanting one.)

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