Sunday, April 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Nicolas!!!

Just 4 years ago today Nicolas Aidan was born at Los Gatos Community hospital in Los Gatos California! (and for those that have been following along that's 3 kids on 3 continents). One of the really good things Melissa and I did was keep a journal on the day that each of our children were born. This morning we read Nicolas' birth story and it was wonderful to recall all of the little details that fade with time. If you are expecting I strongly encourage you to do this, you will be happy you did.

We had his Birthday party on Saturday night with our "California" family - a small party with close close friends (9 adults and 10 kids!) who we wanted to share the happy times with us. It was a super hero party and Nicolas was Batman, Spiderman and Darth Vadar (a super hero?)

Today Nicolas wants to do his favorite thing and ride a train. His Godfather Darren and I will take him to Roaring Camp railroad to ride on their steam train, have lunch and generally have a day with the guys.

Yeah for the little man!


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