Sunday, May 25, 2008


So if you read my previous post you'll think that road trips are pretty much a grind, and they are for the most part. But every now and again one gets a chance to something different. And on this most recent trip we were able to slip in a little personal time to go see a Red Sox game while in Boston. It actually worked out quite well as summarized in this Mastercard style note crafted by one of the guys I was traveling with.

Driving back to the hotel after 5th briefing of the day...see the lights at Fenway from the mass pike...what the heck, the games already started so maybe we can pick up some cheap tickets....

Finding parking spot 500 yds from the park -- Free.

Getting 2 8th row, 3rd baseline seats (face $125 each) -- $100.

Pick up 3rd ticket in upper deck -- $20.

Grab beers, show usher 2 good tickets and bump squatters from the row of 4 -- would have been priceless, except...

Watch Lester throw no-hitter -- Priceless.

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