Saturday, February 6, 2010

Melissa Goes to Philadelphia

Melissa has had another major milestone with her blossoming art career, her artwork has been accepted in a juried art exhibit in Philadelphia (I'll explain why Philly in a moment) yeah Melissa!!

This means that a panel of judges looked at her art and all of the other submissions and she was amongst the 18 selected for the exhibit at the White Stone Gallery . The exhibit itself is entitled Fine Art & Faith. The theme of the exhibit was what inspired Melissa to submit to a gallery all the way across the country in Philly.

You can see her listed with the other artists by clicking here.

The exhibit will run from March 5th through March 28th and the winning entry will be shown for a year! I think there is also prize money but that of course is not the point.

We are all really excited and I'm super proud of her and can't wait to here how the event and showing will go.

If I can get a digital picture of the painting she submitted I will add it to the post later.

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