Sunday, April 20, 2008

Our Lemon Tree Can Hear Us Talk?

Several birthdays ago I bought Melissa a Meyers Lemon tree because she had started to like Limoncella's so I thought she could make her own with fresh lemons. :)

We planted the tree in a sunny spot in the back of our garden and expected it to grow like mad (like everything else in California). For some reason it never really seems to have done well, always looking anemic with yellow leaves and few if any lemons. We've tried special fertilizer and it gets plenty of water and sun so we were not sure what to do. This year we decided we should go ahead a replace it because it had such a prime spot in the yard it was a waste and did not look good.

Well apparently talking bad about it and discussing replacing it did the trick! In the last few weeks it has more than doubled in size, sprouted tons of green leaves and lemons! There are blossoms all over it so there is promise of many more lemons to come. Melissa is now drinking lemons in her water and we are looking at enough to create lemonade!

I guess all of to apply that to my other plants that are not doing so well.

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