Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"I can see Russia from my house!"

My favorite line from the Saturday Night Live opener which spoofed Palin and which pretty much sums up my feelings on her "readiness" and "experience" to lead the country.

I mean really, she may be a nice person but she appears to be fundamentally against woman's rights (control over their own body), wants religion taught in schools (creationism), at least thought about censorship (library incident) and revising history by saying she didn't support the bridge to no where when she did until it became unpopular and denies that human's are having or could have an impact on global warming. She also used lobbyist to get money for her small town. Finally she also appears to be a war monger like the current administration. She actually said war with Russia might be necessary. Are you frigging kidding me?

So how exactly is she an outsider? She and McCain are now no different then Bush. And I honestly liked McCain 4 years ago when he ran until he started pandering to ultra-conservatives.

Our economy is a mess, we are not respected globally, we have lost the moral high ground and so our country cannot take 4 more years of a republican lead administration.

I suppose my views on this are clear.


Darren said...

Wow, nice to see you getting political!

When people voted for George Bush and his folksy "of the people" style, they thought, "now there's a guy I can have a beer with!" How well did that work out for us?

Well...it seems to be happening all over again. To heck with those "liberal", "elitist", "educated", "qualified", "thick-resumed", "snobs"! They're all sexist anyways, right?!

That said, you have to hand it to the Rebulicans. They sure know how to come together and run an effective campaign. Palin, with all of her obvious shortcomings, may prove to be a stroke of political genius for John McCain. Too bad he didn't think of it last time around...

Unknown said...

I hope more of you guys get angry enough to do something about the way the last 8 years have gone...