Sunday, November 16, 2008

Itchy little man

I've blogged before about Nicolas and his fairly severe eczema. It waxes and wanes in terms of severity and just at the moment it is quite bad for one reason or another. He has been scratching some of his worst spots until they are raw and sometimes bleeding.

It is so bad right now that Melissa has taken to giving him an oatmeal bath every night and we slather him in cream morning and night and it still bothers him. He wakes up in the middle of the night itching and comes into our room where we put more cream on him. We have taken the extreme step of giving him Benedril which actually seems to make things bearable for him.

Melissa is going to take him back to the dermatologist to see if we can get him some more permanent relief.

Help is on the way little man!

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