Sunday, October 4, 2009


I happy to report that I successfully finished the San Jose Rock and Roll Half Marathon today!!

Admittedly my time wasn't stellar but given the back and hip problems I have had in the previous 3 weeks I am pretty happy with the result. We (me and 12000+ of my closest friends) had perfect weather for the run with a start temperature of the low 50's with perfect clear sky's.

My bib # was 5562 and you can check my splits (times at various intervals) online by clicking here. You can clearly see how I started off well but slowed down significantly towards the end. The main reason for that was my hips started hurting again as they had on my last really long 12 mile run. I think that I have figured out that it has something to do with either my shoes or my stride in general because it hurt more when I ran off of the crown (curved part) of the road. I had to stop and walk briefly a few times to try and let the pain die down but I was determined to finish. In fact I never really got tired on the race. No fatigue, no problems with my back, no blisters, nada except for my hips and I really tried to take it easy once they did and I am sure that helped.

The race itself was incredibly well organized. There were ample water stations, medical stations if needed and clear directions on what to do before and after the race.

I'm going to continue to run through the winter but keep my distances short until I can get to a running specialist to evaluate my stride.

I'm really happy to have completed this goal. I think I have also determined that I really don't need to do a marathon, the thought of turning around after 13.1 miles and doing it again does not appeal to me. I think my next big challenge will be a triathlon sometime next summer.

Until then I'll take it pretty easy!

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