Sunday, October 4, 2009

Living the outbreak movie?

over the last couple of years there have been several "rogue" disease related movies including the movie "Outbreak" in 1996. For some reason I have this strange feeling that I am living in the movie when it comes to the current situation with Swine flu.

It seems to have had a lot of attention earlier in the year and then things died down during the summer as other activities distracted the news services. Most of the news seemed impersonal taking place in foreign countries or places not near me. But, then lately I've started to hear more and more about it on a personal level including someone at work being diagnosed with it.

At the same time, and quite quietly in my opinion, things have started to heat up around here to the point that major institutions like churches are change policies (no hand shakes from greeters, no shared bread for communion etc.) and Santa Clara county has declared an H1N1 emergency. You can read more by clicking here. In Santa Clara county alone there have been 155 hospitalizations an 8 deaths!

Now I don't want to be alarmist but it certainly does seem to be real and creeping up on us right in our back yard. We have tried to be diligent with the kids regarding washing their hands at school and at home and so far (touch wood) things have been ok. They also had their seasonal flu shot however I was listening to NPR the other day and there has been some report in Canada which apparently seems to indicate that if you have had a seasonal flu shot you might be more susceptible to H1N1! Another twist in the movie plot!

Watch this space and wash those hands!

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