Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Year's Resolutions Lived Out?

One of my previously undisclosed New Year's resolutions is to finally get my weight back down to a below 200lbs. I was getting pretty close last year (when it was also a goal) when I hit a streak of travel that had me on the road for 7 of 8 weeks (sorry honey).

Anyway I just got back from a solo run where I started before 6. It wasn't that cold this morning, about 37F but it is very dark with no moon so I did not expect to see people out (literally) and having run all through the winter last year I rarely saw people. Some of the trails I run on are along the levy near our house and it really is so dark you cannot see your hand in front of your face (doesn't help that I wear black running gloves).

All that said I saw an amazing number of people out. From the moment I hit the levy I nearly ran into a couple running with their dog. I crossed over to the other side of the levy and ran past another couple of solo runners. Then when I hit the bridge at the other side there was an entire group of maybe 15 runners who all appeared to be together in some kind of running club.

So I guess everyone was out living out their resolutions. And for my part after a rough start in January I am back on the wagon myself.

How are you doing on yours?

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