Friday, December 18, 2009

Little man - big voice

I'm not sure whether it is the age, being a boy, being the third or all of the above but Nicolas has started to burst out at the top of his lungs! This can be at any moment, in a quite house, in the car, in a grocery store, outside (which is OK), where ever we are he will belt out almost anything!

The scenario typically goes like this. We are sitting at breakfast, eating, chatting what ever and I might ask Nicolas if he would like more milk, to which he responds "YES I WOULD LIKE MORE MILK!!!"

He might even do this if he is not addressed. He will below out things like "I"VE GOT TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!!!" and of course we say "that is great, can you use an inside voice?" and he will answer "YES I WILL!!!"

Now he is a little guy but he is getting amazing volume out of those little lungs! If his subliminal goal is to get attention he certainly does that. Everyone in the family ends up staring at him as if he were mad.

I am really hoping this is just a stage and not a trend!


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