Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pending battle

It is a classic make vs. female household conflict. One uses it up and one uses it down. Some say it is a matter of convenience, others say it is a matter of courtesy. Debates and disagreements over this issue have nearly felled empires and changed the course of history.

What am I referring to? Why of course the toilet seat. :)

After spending some time trying to get Nicolas to lift the toilet seat when he uses the bathroom we are now working with him to lower it back down when he is done. I think all of the females here have fallen victim to a post Nicolas toilet seat, some with more outrage than others.

Now of course we have tried and tried to remind him that in addition to putting the seat up and washing his hands he also needs to put the seat down. Of course I am somewhat sympathetic to him on this issue but have long ago given up on the issue.

I am sure that over the long run he will eventually start putting it down, let's just hope it isn't a long and protracted battle.

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