Monday, December 15, 2008

Little Man - Not So Good at Keeping Secrets!! (REVISED)

On Sunday I thought I would take advantage of Melissa and the girls being at the Christmas play and do a little shopping with Nicolas. We braved the mall and surprisingly it wasn't that crowded (unfortunately for retailers).

We ended up in one of my favorite stores for Christmas shopping - Macy's and found our way to the jewelry section where we picked out a couple of cute pairs of earrings for Melissa. Nicolas hand-picked one of the pairs himself and he was very proud of that.

We went home and stashed the gifts safely away so that we could wrap them later.

When Melissa and the girls came home we met them in the entrance to our house. Nicolas (bless his heart) was so excited that he ran up to Melissa and to my surprise said "Mommy we got you earrings for Christmas!" I quickly tried to shush him and remind him that the gifts we to be a surprise for mommy. In the mean time Melissa had headed back out to the car to bring some stuff into the house. When she re-entered Nicolas, trying to correct his mistake, ran up to her and said "Mommy, we didn't get you earrings!" The cat was (if it wasn't already) was out of the bag. Now I started worrying that Nicolas would spill the beans on the shirts we got for the girls but he held firm.

Melissa being a good sport just gave me a little smirk and pretended not to hear him. I am sure she will be surprised just the same.

THIS JUST IN on Tuesday!

Melissa just told me that when Nicolas saw her this morning wearing earings he ran up to her and said "Mommy, you are wearing your new earings!!". I guess he still doesn't quite get it! (In his defense they are similar)

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